Why choose Peoplecare?

Looking for health cover?
Get cover for a

15 ways we’re committed to you.

  1. We’ve been around since 1952 and we’re not going anywhere.
  2. Not-for-profit – We only charge what it costs us to pay claims and run the fund
  3. Member-owned – We don’t have shareholders. In fact, we are 100% owned by our members
  4. Give you more back – 83 cents in every dollar received in premiums were paid to members through benefits1
  5. Health programs at no extra cost – Really useful programs to help you stay healthy and get out of hospital faster and recover at home2
  6. No excess for kids under 21
  7. Family Plus cover options – Keeping the kids covered from 21 until they’re 30 (inclusive)
  8. Over 37,000 doctors on the books and 540 hospitals to choose from
  9. Digital member services – you can manage your membership when and how it suits you via our app or online member services
  10. Half-price excess – When you have day surgery
  11. Unlimited ambulance across Australia – 100% ambulance cover is included in all our levels of cover
  12. Access Gap – We pay more towards your medical services so you might not have to
  13. Personal service – Our team of health cover experts will help find the right cover to suit your needs and guide you through the process
  14. 10% off extras when you get combo cover with us
  15. 97% of our members are satisfied3

1 Commonwealth Ombudsman, 2022-23 State of the Health Funds Report. 

2 Availability depends on your type of cover and whether you've served your waiting periods for those services. Read more about our fabulous Health Programs and our helpful Hospital Services at Home


Source: IPSOS 2023 Member Satisfaction Survey

Switching to Peoplecare is easy

  • Switching is easy
    We can handle the cancellation of your existing cover for you.

  • Waiting periods transfer with you
    We’ll make sure we recognise any waiting periods you’ve already served if you switch within 30 days!

  • 30-day cooling-off period
    If you change your mind within the first 30 days of joining or upgrading your cover, you will get a full refund, provided you haven't made any claims during that time.

We're all about you

As a member-owned fund, we work for you – not corporate shareholders or overseas owners. We’ll always put your needs ahead of profits so we can better look after you and your health.

We’re personal

Our team of health cover experts will help find the right cover to suit your needs and guide you through the process.

We’re to the point

We know health insurance can be confusing, so we keep it simple and tell it like it is. You’ll always know what you are and aren’t covered for with us. We’ll compare covers with other funds and if ours isn’t the best one for you, we’ll tell you.

We’re value for money

We know you’d rather be spending your money on something else, so we work hard to make sure you’re getting value for your money. We’re always looking for ways to give more of your premium back to you in benefits or services.

We’re easy

We make claiming easy. You’re paying for cover, so you should be able to use it. We’ve got a mobile app, online services and on-the-spot claiming at providers.

We’re loveable

A staggering 97% of our members are satisfied1.

Some of our members even email us out of the blue to say nice things to us, like this one:

“Thank you very much for your high-quality service and support! Like many people I was initially reluctant to pay the cost of private health insurance; however, in our dealings with Peoplecare it has made some of the hardest and most stressful times of life a little easier.”

Sound like something you want to be a part of?