Saving money

You’ll probably be surprised to learn that, on average, couples actually claim more than families with kids. Who knew? This is mostly because a high proportion of couples, are older people whose healthcare costs are generally higher than younger people. Also, kids generally have lower healthcare costs and don’t need to claim as much.

Our hands are tied with this one. All health funds are covered by Government legislation that says we have to charge everyone the same amount (for the same level of cover) – regardless of their age, health status or claims history. It’s called Community Rating, and we think it’s pretty fair to keep health cover more affordable for most people. We can provide a discount of up to 10% off the cost of our Basic Plus and Bronze Plus Hospital Cover for under 30s. Get all the age-based discount information here.

We get this one a lot, but unfortunately Government says no. Private Health Insurance legislation says that health funds aren’t allowed to offer no-claim bonuses.

This is another thing that’s controlled by Government legislation. We’re only allowed to pay benefits for products and services that treat a specific medical condition. If you have a medical condition and there’s something you think you might be able to claim for, contact us and we’ll see what we can do.