RUOK Day: Remember, a conversation could change a life

RUOK Day was held on the 12th of September, it's a powerful reminder that a simple conversation can make a world of difference. Whether it's a friend, family member, or a colleague, taking the time to ask, "Are you OK?" can help someone who might be struggling. At Peoplecare Health Insurance, we're committed to supporting your mental well-being, and we're here to guide you on how to have these crucial conversations.

How to Have the RUOK Conversation

Starting a conversation about mental health might seem daunting, but it's often the first step toward helping someone who needs support. According to resources from Telus Health, you should approach the situation with care and follow the CARE+ model:

  • C - Change in Behaviour: Notice any changes in someone's behavior, such as becoming withdrawn or unusually quiet. These can be signs that they are struggling and might need help.
  • A - Ask and Actively Listen: When you ask someone if they are OK, ensure you listen without judgment. It’s crucial to be compassionate and understanding during these conversations.
  • R - Refer to Support: If the conversation feels too challenging or if the person needs more help than you can offer, refer them to a professional. Peoplecare Health Insurance offers a range of health programs to support mental health and well-being including the MindStep program.
  • E - Encourage Action: Encourage them to take action, whether it’s seeking professional help or talking to another trusted individual.

For more tips on how to handle these conversations, visit

MindStep: Supporting Your Mental Health

Our MindStep program can assist with your mental well-being. This program is designed to help members manage their mental health more effectively, offering personalised support through evidence-based methods.

MindStep provides access to mental health professionals who can help you develop strategies to manage anxiety, depression, and other challenges. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need someone to talk to, MindStep is here to guide you every step of the way.

Remember, RUOK Day is not just about one day; it's about fostering a culture where we all feel comfortable to speak up and ask for help when needed. So, let's make every day an opportunity to support each other, check in, and ensure that no one feels alone in their struggles. Remember, a conversation could change a life.

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